EPC & MAINTENANCE, What it really is?
In Solar Industry, EPC stands for -
Engineering relates to the creation of a detailed blueprint of the solar panels when you give us an order. Since each installation is done in a unique location, we create panels that are customized in accordance with your location to promote perfect fittings. Before Green Sun starts building sturdy solar panels for you, we do a detailed check on the weather, surface area & topography to bring out detailed estimation of the potential power your solar structure will be able to generate. This requires accurate mapping & 3D modeling, which is very much a part of the Engineering aspect of EPC.
Procurement is the necessary part to build your functional Rooftop Solar on site. Being in the Solar Industry since times immemorial, Green Sun sports a good connection with the most trusted solar equipment manufacturers on a national basis to ensure your project is built using only the most superior of raw materials.
Construction covers a wide range of services for you – from mounting custom solar panels to your roof, complete with the installation of necessary accessories, laying out the electrical connectivity system that conjoins the panel with the inverter, battery and the traditional power set up present in your facility. And all of this is done by our electrical field experts.
In Green Sun Solar, we ensure that all the three stages of EPC are carried with utmost precision and finesse so that our customer gets access to maximum solar benefit from Day 1 of installation.
Since solar panels come with a shelf life of nearly two decades, Green Sun also offers extensive maintenance services throughout the term of our services. Like -
- Routine monitoring
- Determination of average power consumption
- Inspecting for potential grid disturbance
- Assessment of PV cells monitors & more.